How to Use Fully Qualified Tablenames in Dbplyr

SQL Databases

I have only a working knowledge of databases and also more from a theoretical point of view rather than a deep understanding of the details of the respective implementation. That is, I know what normalization is (and why it is a good thing) and how to do SELECT or JOIN queries, but when it comes to the technical details of the different SQL flavors my knowledge dwindles away.

When I started my new job, I suddenly had to work with a huge ecosystem of databases and I had to quickly catch up. We have a plethora of different databases hosted on different servers and I learned that there is something like a schema and that tables (I rather should say objects, because it is not only tables) can (should?) be addressed by [InstanceName].DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName. I also learned that sometimes SQL does not allow to specify the DatabaseName of this fully qualified address (try CREATE and you will get an error) and a thing or two more about databases.

As we are lots of colleagues working on the (Same) databases I started to use custom schemata for my tables, procedures and views. I thought of schemata as something like a namespace and depending on the SQL client you are using they are also nicely visually grouped. Additionally, at some point our Database Administrators (DBAs) decided that the standard schema is not dbo anymore, but a personalized one. That is, if I do not specify the schema explicitly my objects are stored in the schema OURDOMAIN\myusername.

I guess the reasoning for this change was to identify more easily who is the owner of an object (or at least to make that visible to non DBAs), but of course it is a nightmare to type and you have to quote the schema via db.[OURDOMAIN\myusername].object.

To make a long story short, I had to deal with schemata and databases from day 1 on. In the beginning that was not a big deal, as I was primarily working with an SQL Client (SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), admittedly a bit more than just a client). However, at some point I found the workflow a bit cumbersome to say the least:

  1. Get data from SQL via SSMS.
  2. Store it in a flat file.
  3. Analyze the data in R.

Not only is it a pain in the neck (for me) to manipulate the data in SQL with the same efficiency as I would do in R, but also it is always incredibly difficult to gte data out of SQL and into a flat file. Not even mentioning the problems which may arise from stale data. Enters DBI abd dbplyr.

Using R to Access Data

With DBI as a general framework and dbplyr as a database backend for dplyr I could marry the two worlds and I did not need to leave my beloved RStudio environment for doing the end-to-end analysis.

I had, however, a rather steep learning curve (thanks StackOverflow 💖) until I figured how to address tables properly with their fully qualified name and I want to share some insights here:


con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "my.database.server")

## 1. Use DBI::d 
tbl(con, Id(catalog = "mydatabase", schema = "myschema", table = "mytable"))

## actually names are ignored
tbl(con, Id(database = "mydatabase", middle_name = "myschema", object = "mytable"))

## as long as all are named
tbl(con, Id("mydatabase", "myschema", "mytable"))
## Error: All arguments to Id() must be named.

## We can check that it is all properly translated to
## <SQL>
## FROM "mydatabase"."myschema"."mytable"

## 2. Use dbplyr::in_schema - however, need to provide database name 
## as part of "schema" and need to quote it
tbl(con, in_schema(sql("mydatabase.myschema"), "mytable"))

## this won't work
tbl(con, in_schema("mydatabase.myschema", "mytable"))

## the error message also shows why, if you do not escape it is seen as one schema
## <SQL> 
## FROM "mydatabase.myschema"."mytable"

## 3. Use dbplyr::ident_q
tbl(con, ident_q("mydatabase.myschema.mytable"))

## note the _q version, ident would __not__ do
tbl(con, ident("mydatabase.myschema.mytable"))

## again compare the generated SQLS
## ident_q:
##   <SQL>
##   SELECT *
##   FROM mydatabase.myschema.mytable
## ident:
##   <SQL>
##   SELECT *
##   FROM "mydatabase.myschema.mytable"

To spice things a bit up, if you are using other querying functions like for instance DBI::dbReadTable you do not have the same options, basically with DBI you have only the Id option:

## works
dbReadTable(con, Id(catalog = "mydatabase", schema = "myschema", table = "mytable"))

## won't work
dbReadTable(con, ident_q("mydatabase.myschema.mytable"))

## neither does this
dbReadTable(con, in_schema(sql("mydatabase.myschema"), "mytable"))

Also be careful to have a recent dbplyr version (i.e. >= 2.1.1) , where the con parameter is passed down to as.sql otherwise commands like compute(..., in_schema(...), temporary = TRUE) won’t work.

Closing Remarks

Error messages are not always that straight forward to understand. However, whenever the non working SQL is part of the error message, you should carefully look at where the escaping puts " (for sQL Server, other backends quote differently). This gives you a hint, where things may have gone awry. Of course we can always fall back to pure SQL in R (that is without relying on the abstraction layer of dbplyr), but that would be of courese only half the fun.

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